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Direct Ordering Only | Not Available through Distribution
Publishing Creator-Owned Comics Since 2006
A short story comics anthology full of horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.
Created and curated by Peter Simeti
Please ONLY submit self-contained short stories that are 100% complete (finished art, writing, lettering).
Please do not submit just a pitch; it will be deleted.
Creators will retain 100% ownership of their work.
Pre-published stories are acceptable if you have proof of written consent from the publisher. The one caveat is that the story can't be pre-published or published afterward in another publication within a 90 day period.
*submission is not a guarantee that your story will be published in an issue*
Here are the guidelines...
Main Themes: Your story can have any genre.
Maximum Page Count: 10 pages (there is no minimum)
Audience Age Rating: TEEN/YOUNG ADULT (no strong language, graphic violence, nudity, sexual situations please)
Format: Color or Black and White/Grayscale is acceptable; JPEG or PDF (for submission purposes); TIFF or PSD 300-600 dpi, CMYK will be the final format to be sent UPON notification of acceptance. Due to our anti-virus policy, please do not send zip folders. Submissions sent in any other format than those requested, will be deleted.
Page Size Dimensions: 6.625 x 10 inches (trim size) - please add bleed and set to 7.125 x 10.5 inches (this additional bleed space is required for newsprint). Live area of important imagery and text should be no larger than 6 x 9 inches.
Compensation: Creative teams will receive copies of the issue that features their story. 5 copies of an issue, per page, per story, per creative team. The main contact of the creative team is responsible for disbursing issue copies (if copies are to be distributed among creators).
Example: 1 page = 5 comp copies; 2 pages = 10 comp copies; 3 pages = 15 comp copies; 4 pages = 20 copies; and so on.
Are International Creators Welcomed? Yes!
Social Media Code of Conduct
You are required and encouraged to actively promote your title.
We do not condone the use of block bots/block lists or any other kind of program or practice that is used to block thousands of people, blindly, en masse.
We acknowledge that unpleasant experiences through social media sadly do occur and creators can block/mute individuals if they have had those unwanted and poor experiences with them. But due to the fact that you would be part of a creative team at Alterna and a team of retailers would need to be able to confidently sell your comics to as many people as possible, we have adopted a policy that discourages the use of anything that would directly affect our stance of full inclusion for readers and creators. We have readers of all walks of life and it is paramount to us, that we encourage, promote, and stand by our mission statement that comics are for everyone.
As a creator, if you have poor experiences with anyone in relation to your work - online or otherwise - and feel that you are being threatened, please reach out to us and we'll do everything within our power to work with you on how to handle this situation.
We want all of our readers AND our creators to feel welcome.
Good luck!
Due to the amount of submissions we receive, we can only respond to submissions that we accept or submissions that require minor revisions. If you do not receive a response within two months of submitting, please consider your submission rejected. Thank you for understanding and we hope you still submit again in the future!
Please make sure to name your files in this manner:
TITLE.pdf (for PDF files that contain a complete submission)
TITLE_page1.jpg (for JPG files that have individual pages)

PERMISSIONS and PRIVACY POLICY: By clicking "SEND" and uploading your submission files to us, you are granting permission to Alterna Comics to review your submission and the files/artwork associated with it. To the best of our knowledge, we understand that you own the appropriate copyright or trademarks to the submitted work and that you also hold claim to them. Alterna Comics makes no claim or attempt to own the copyright or trademarks of the works submitted or published by us. Alterna Comics promises to protect your personal information and keep your submission information and status confidential at all times. You have our promise that your submission and information will not be shared without your express written consent.